Its a MUST, to have a Clean & Sanitised Spa!!
Nothing better than knowing the Spa your just about to slip into is PROPERLY cleaned and sanitised As the years have gone by, cleanliness and sanitisation standards has Risen very high with the importance from health inspectors in the hospitality businesses So to keep up those high standards we at Genie Power formulated this super concentrated formula and likewise home users are wanting those same standards in their own home spas for their own family and the smell it leaves behind is just beautiful not that horrible bleach smell
Fortunately, cleaning the inside of your air tub’s elaborate collection of pipes, jets, and nozzles is really straightforward and easy using Spa-Clean!
- Super Concentrated
- Leaves behind a beautiful aroma
- Very easy to use
- Removes body oils and dead skin particles from pipes
- keep the water fresh & clear for the next spa user
- Knowing you don't have any particles from the previous persons
- Having piece of mind so you can truly relax and enjoy
- Cleans & Sanitises the Filter
- Cleans & Sanitises the Tub
- Cleans &Sanitises the Pipes
- Cleans & Sanitises the Jets